Saturday, October 16, 2010

Swami Rama Tirtha

Truth is Your Birth Right. Assert
it and Be Master of Universe. Truth
is “Tattva-Masi” - “That Thou Art” — Rama


The very best method of spreading the Vedantic Philosophy is to live it.
Rise above desires, and they are fulfilled.
The law is that you shall be Pure. Harbour impurity and you must suffer the consequences.
Heaven is within you, seek Happiness not in the objects of sense; realize that Happiness is within yourself.
By your nature you are free; you have forgotten yourself in your state of slavery. A king may fall asleep and find himself a beggar; he may dream that he is a beggar, but that can in no way interfere with his real sovereignty.
We cannot possess the whole world, and even if we possess that, what does that amount to? Gain the whole world and lose your own soul—what does that amount to? This earth of yours is simply a point in astronomical calculations when we deal with the fixed stars. This earth is dealt with as a mathematical point for a position, but no magnitude.
Realize, realize that you are the Infinity within. Know that. The very moment that a person knows himself to be that, the very moment that a man realizes his true nature, he is free, above all danger, above all difficulty, above all suffering, above all tribulation and pain. Know that, be yourself!
If the body is sick, you say ―O, I am undone, I am sick,‖ just because you identify yourself with the body pr the mind. Vedanta says give up this false identification and you will be alright. Anything wrong with the body or the mind should not disturb you. It is only this false sentimentalism due to this false self which causes all your suffering.
Pleasure is within you. There you can get it. The whole treasure is within you. Then why play the part of the beggar and go about in a miserable plight, in a sad state, and behave like a pitiable atom? Come, realize your true Self, Almighty God, and let this song burst forth from you in fullness of joy.
Do not play the miser's part. The miser has all the treasures in his house, but does not want to part with a single cent. You have the whole world within you, the whole universe is your own. Why hide it? Why not bring it into use? Put it into practice; drink deep of the nectar of your own Self! Why not gain your own natural intrinsic kingship?

Rama's Promise

Whether working through many souls or alone, Rama seriously promises to infuse true life and dispel darkness and weakness from India within ten years; and within the first half of the twentieth century, India will be restored to more than its original glory. Let these words be recorded.

Swami Rama
Jan. 1, 1900